—Carrie S.
“I think it is the best idea and it worked perfectly when we took the kids to travel to Disney. So glad you could bring this idea to life.”—Mike M.
“This is a no-brainer. I keep them in my wallet at all times. I still watch my son like a HAWK, but this added safeguard gives me more peace of mind.”- “Who wouldn’t want these safety tattoos!” —SANDY E., PRESCHOOL DIRECTOR
—Kaye L.
“I dropped my daughter at a friend’s birthday party Saturday. I told the mom in charge, ‘If you need me, my phone number is right here!’ And pointed to where her SafetyTat clearly showed my cell phone number.”—Melissa E.
“I think they’re great to have in a busy holiday airport as that is always one of my most overwhelming spot, while we head through security with 4 kids, a stroller and a laptop!”