Where to use and how to apply and remove your SafetyTat tattoo
SafetyTat uses medical-grade, hypoallergenic, latex-free adhesive on all products. Always be cautious and do a small test area with your tattoos prior to applying for long durations. Warning: Do not apply to sensitive skin or if you have known skin allergies. Apply to in tact skin only. Do not apply near eyes. As a precaution, do not use this temporary tattoo (or any other adhesive products) if you are pregnant or nursing.

How to Apply your SafetyTat® Quick Stick Write-On! Kids' Temporary Tattoo Applique
While you are applying your SafetyTat Temporary ID Tattoo, talk to your child about safety, and the significance of his or her SafetyTat. Take a look at some of our recommended child safety tips to jump start your conversation.
1). Be sure your child’s skin is clean and dry before you apply the temporary ID tattoo. Please make sure your child’s skin does not have sunscreen or lotion on it before applying SafetyTat.
2). Choose a place to apply on his or her arm — any body part that doesn’t have a lot of hair. Choose a spot on your child to apply SafetyTat where your child will not be tempted to remove it (like on the outside of arm, inside wrist, shoulder) If your child does not pick or pull the “Quick Stick Write-On!” SafetyTat, it can last for days, even weeks!
3). Very carefully, peel a single SafetyTat from the larger sheet, avoiding contact with adhesive
4). Apply, to skin, adhesive side down, press firmly 20 seconds
Note: You cannot remove and reposition your SafetyTat once it is applied…it won’t stick twice!
5). Slowly remove the top protective layer at slit
6). Once applied to skin, clearly write emergency information on SafetyTat using the SafetyTat tattoo marking pen or Sharpie® marker

How to Remove your SafetyTat® Quick Stick Write-On! Kids' Temporary ID Tattoo Applique
“Low and slow” works best: Loosen edges of SafetyTat with fingernail (You may consider using a moisturizer to soften the adhesive along the peel edge.) Hold the skin next to the SafetyTat ID tattoo with one finger. Remove SafetyTat “low and slow”, keeping it close to skin surface and pulled back over itself. As the SafetyTat ID tattoo is removed, continue supporting the skin next to the SafetyTat with one finger.

How to Apply your Original Style SafetyTat® Brand Kids' Temporary ID Tattoos
You will need a WARM WET sponge, washcloth or paper towel for Step 5.
While you are applying your SafetyTat Temporary ID Tattoo, talk to your child about safety, and the significance of his or her SafetyTat. Take a look at some of our recommended child safety tips to jump start your conversation.
1). Be sure your child’s skin is clean and dry before you apply the temporary tattoo. Please make sure your child’s skin does not have sunscreen or lotion on it before applying SafetyTat. Please avoid using sunscreen on or near your SafetyTat, as many brands will break down the adhesive.
2). Choose a place to apply on his or her arm—any body part that doesn’t have a lot of hair.
3). Carefully peel the clear transfer sheet away from the colored side of the temporary ID tattoo.
4). With dry hands, press and hold firmly in place on your child’s arm for one minute so your body heat can activate the adhesive on the skin. This is probably the most important step to a good application!
5). Now, use your WARM wet paper towel to thoroughly wet the back of the temporary tattoo. As the water soaks in, the tattoo will become visible through the paper. Use lots of water for best results. Within about 30 seconds, the paper will soon easily slip from your child’s temporary tattoo. Let the tattoo dry thoroughly. This can take several minutes. Please be sure your SafetyTat is dry before covering with clothing (or sheets/blankets).
If your tattoo still seems sticky after you have wet it and slipped the paper off, simply add more water to the top. This is just residual adhesive from the protective paper you have removed. TAT TIP Baby powder! After your SafetyTat dries completely, and if it still seems somewhat sticky, sprinkle just a little baby powder on it and lightly rub. This is such a great Tat Tip, and it feels so nice, too!
For best results, apply a new Original Style SafetyTat each day.

How to Remove your Original Style SafetyTat® Brand Kids Temporary Child ID Tattoos
You can remove your child’s temporary tattoo with baby oil or rubbing alcohol. Be sure to wash the area with soap and water before you try again.
Your SafetyTat Kids Temporary Child ID Tattoo can last from one to several days. If you have sensitive skin and have received a rash from band-aids or adhesives you may want to leave your tattoo on for only a few hours. You can shower with your tattoo, but do not scrub—just rinse lightly to keep clean.
SafetyTat uses only medical grade adhesive on all products. The adhesive is acrylic-based and does not contain latex. Always be cautious and do a small test area with your tattoos prior to applying for long durations. Warning: Do not apply to sensitive skin or near eyes. As a precaution, do not use this temporary tattoo (or any other adhesive products) if you are pregnant or nursing.
Suggestions where to use your SafetyTat Temporary Safety Child ID Tattoo
SafetyTat temporary Child ID tattoos are useful for many situations such as amusement parks, water parks, stadium events, traveling, site seeing, zoos, museums, shopping malls, allergy alerts, first day of school, drop-off play dates and birthday parties, and even school field trips. We also offer temporary tattoos that alert to allergies, medical conditions and special needs. Do you have a SafetyTat story or suggestion for our kids’ temporary ID tattoos? Great! Please email us! CustomerService@SafetyTat.com
- MOMS: Keep a pack of SafetyTat temporary Child ID tattoos in your purse
- DADS: Keep a few SafetyTats in your wallet
- Make sure your babysitter has a set of temporary child ID tattoos with his or her phone number for outings with your children
- Get special tattoos for Grandma and Grandpa when the kids go to visit
- Be certain your school or preschool applies a school SafetyTat temporary tattoo to each child for field trips, personalized with the teacher, director or principal’s phone number
- Perfect precaution for Girl or Boy Scout adventures, personalized with your Troop Leader’s contact information